Home / Humorous Animal Jokes / Humorous Animal Jokes - 3

Humorous Animal Jokes - 3

This is page 3 of our collection of Humorous Animal Jokes.

What is another name for parrot food?

How do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on it.

Two budgies are sitting on a perch and one says to the other, can you smell fish?

What animal talks a lot?
A yak.

Why are four-legged animals such bad dancers?
Because they have two left feet.

Why does a stork stand on one leg?
Because if it lifted the other one as well, it would fall over.

What has feathers and grumbles all the time?
Moody Woodpecker.

Did you hear about the animal hotel that has exclusive accommodation for squirrels?
It's called The Nutcracker Suite.

There were these three wildebeests out in the desert: a Papa wildebeest, a Mama wildebeest, and a baby wildebeest. They're travelling along, trying to get home, but they get lost and are trying to find their way out of the desert. The sun beats down and it gets hotter and hotter. The poor wildebeests get thirstier and weaker. Finally, the Papa wildebeest collapses from the heat and dies. The Mama and baby continue, but soon the Mama wildebeest also collapses and dies. The baby struggles on for a while, but he, too, is finally overcome and dies. That's the end of the gnus. Now, for the weather!

A hungry lion was searching the jungle looking for food. In a clearing he spotted two men. One was sitting on a rock, reading a book the other was writing a letter. Without a moment's hesitation, the lion pounced on the man reading the book and ate him. Because even lions know that readers digest and writers cramp.

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