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Humorous Jokes for Children - 7

This is page 7 of our collection of Humorous Jokes for Children.

What do you call a train that is made of toffee?
A chew chew.

How do you get an elephant out of a tree? Stand it on a leaf and wait 'till autumn.

Why are elephants wrinkled?
Have you ever tried to iron one?

Why are soldiers so tired on April 1st? Because they just had a 31 day March!

Why couldn't the bicycle make it up the hill? Because it was ''two'' tired!

Why was the guy fired from the orange juice factory? He couldn't concentrate.

How do you communicate with a fish? You drop him a line.

What sits in a baby buggy and wobbles?
A jelly baby.

Why are adults boring?
Because they're groan-ups.

What colors should you paint the sun and the wind?
The sun rose and the wind blue.

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